EMitech’s research outcomes divulgation occurs through its attendance to numerous exhibitions and conventions.
The main events are (last ones in chronological order):
• 9th April 2013: side-event during CPM-8, at FAO HQs of Rome. Presentation title “DIELECTRIC HEATING – An innovative eco-friendly technology for pest- control in wood packaging materials”
• 10-11 October 2011, Bruxelles – FEFPEB Meeting. Presentation title “DIELECTRIC HEATING”;
• 11-13 May 2011, Aci Castello, Cannizzaro (Catania) – 8° Convegno AISTEC(Convention organized by the Italian Association of Cereal Technology and Science). Presentation title “Tecnologie e processi innovativi a microonde per la disinfestazione ed il miglioramento della qualità e la durabilità dei cereali”
• 1-3 December 2010, Bari – Festival dell’innovazione 2010 – congress organized by the Apulian Region and ARTI. Presentation title “Microwave technology for pest control and drying of agro-food products”;
• 6-10 September 2010, Benevento – RINEM 2010 (XVIII National Meeting of the Italian Electromagnetic Association). Poster title “INNOVATIVE MICROWAVE DEVICE FOR FOOD SAFETY”;
• 22 July 2010 – BARI – DAISY-Day 2010, Convention organized by DAISY-Net (Driving Advances of ICT in South Italy). Presentation title: “SCHERMATURE PER LA SICUREZZA DELL’INFORMAZIONE”;
• 25 – 26 March 2010 Foggia – VALUE FOR FOOD – EURO & MED FOOD fair. Presentation title “Tecnologia a microonde per la disinfestazione di prodotti agro-alimentari”
• June 2009 – Milano – 9° Congresso CISETA (Italian Congress of Food Science and Technology) – Presentation titles
1. “Sistemi riverberanti alle microonde per la disinfestazione dei legumi”;
2. “RISALE PROJECT- Microwave based Method for the pest control of legumes”.
• 3-5 December 2008 – Festival dell’Innovazione 2008 – Bari, Fiera del Levante. Presentation title: “Le microonde per la sicurezza alimentare”
• 2-5 April 2008 – “Salone dell’Arte del Restauro e della Conservazione dei Beni Culturali e Ambientali”- Ferrara. Art Restoration and Cultural Heritage Conservation Exhibition. Presentation title “Pest control treatment in the microwave reverberation chamber MiSyA: the case of the wooden polychrome statue representing Leone Magno”
• 8-12 June 2008 – BEMS 2008, San Diego, CA, US.
“Pest control treatment in the microwave reverberation chamber MISYA: the case of the wooden polychrome statue representing Leone Magno”
M. Acquaro4, G. Agresti1,3, B. Bisceglia6, A. Diaferia1, M. C. Manicelli2, F.
Morresi2, M. Randolfi5, V. Rosito1, U. Santamaria2,3
1EMitech srl, Via A. Olivetti 28/A, 70056, Molfetta (BA), Italy, 2Scientific
Laboratory, Vatican Museums
3University of Tuscia, Faculty of the Cultural Heritage Conservation – Viterbo
(VT), Italy
4Conservation and restoration of works of art – Pietravairano (CE), Italy
5MiSyA Point-Corato (BA), Italy
6University of Salerno, Department of Electrical and Information Engineering,
Fisciano (SA), Italy.
• 21 – 23 May 2008, Salerno – MISA 2008
1. “Panel paintings: application of the disinfestation method by means of MISYA (microwaves system for art)”
Giorgia Agresti1,2 , Fabio Morresi2, Ulderico Santamaria2,3.
1 Emitech S.r.l.
2 Laboratorio Scientifico dei Musei Vaticani
3 Università degli Studi della Tuscia, Facoltà di Conservazione dei Beni Culturali (VT)
2. RISALE, Microwave tests on infested legumes
E. Gargani*, S. Simoni*, C. Benvenuti*, R. Frosinini*, L. Tirinnanzi*, F. Pennacchio*, J. de Silva*, E. Senesi**,
A. Maestrelli**, M. Della Campa**, N. Diaferia***, V. Rosito***, N. Cusmai°, P. F. Roversi*
* CRA-ABP Centro di ricerca per l’Agrobiologia e la Pedologia – Firenze; ** CRA-IAA Unità di ricerca per i Processi dell’Industria
Agroalimentare – Milano; *** EMitech srl – Bari; ° Dipartimento di Elettromagnetismo e Bioingegneria dell’Università Politecnica Marche
N. Cusmai3-4, V. Rosito3, N. Diaferia3, E. Gargani1, S. Simoni1, C. Benvenuti1, R. Frosinini1,
L. Tirinnanzi1, F. Pennacchio1, J. De Silva1, M. della Campa2, E. Sensesi2, A. Maestrelli2,
P.F. Roversi1
• 11-16 November 2007 – Firenze – Venezia – Vicenza, 16° IIWC International Conference and Symposium “From Material to Structure”
Augelli F.A, Bisceglia B.B, Boriani M.A, Diaferia N.C, D’Imperio F.C, Foppiani F.D, Mastropirro R.A, Rosito V.C, Zaza L.C
A. Politecnico di Milano — CCVBC Centro per la Conservazione e la Valorizzazione dei Beni Culturali — Osservatorio per la conservazione delle opere lignee del Laboratorio di Diagnostica per la Conservazione e il Riuso del Costruito
B. University of Salerno — Department of Electrical and Information Engineering
C. Emitech s.r.l. — Via A. Olivetti 28/A 70033 Molfetta (BA), Italy
D. Polignum s.r.l. — Via Tartini 10 20158 Milano, Italy
• 25-28 October 2007, Tunisi – SIAMAP – International fair for Agriculture, Agricultural Machinery and Fishing. Presentation title:
“Objectif: Sécurité Alimentaire – Technologie pour la désinsectisation et le séchage dans l’agroalimentaire”
• 26-28 September 2007 – 8th Symposium about the Parasiticidal treatments in the food industry and the protection of food – Piacenza
“RISALE – Risanamento dei legume da parassiti mediante microonde”
E. Gargani*, S. Simoni*, C. Benvenuti*, R. Frosinini*, L. Tirinnanzi*, F. Pennacchio*, J. de Silva*, E. Senesi**, A. Maestrelli**, N. Diaferia***, V. Rosito***, P. F. Roversi*
* CRA- Istituto Sperimentale per la Zoologia Agraria (FI);
** CRA- Istituto per la valorizzazione Tecnologica dei prodotti agricoli ((MI);
*** EMitech srl (BA).
• 10-14 September 2007, FAO, Roma, – V IFQRG Meeting, Penn State University, (US) and EMitech (Italy) present the intervention “Status of Microwaves as an Alternative Phytosanitary Treatment”
• 11-15 June 2007 – BEMS 2007, Kanazawa, Japan.
“Microwave treatment of wooden artistic samples. Exposure of wooden handicrafts”
Francesco Augelli, Bruno Bisceglia, Maurizio Boriani, Nicola Diaferia, Federica Foppiani, Elisa Italiano, Federica Magli, Roberta Mastropirro, Roberta Tessari
• 6 June 2007 – Treviso, Convention organized by Prof. Augelli Francesco of the Politechnic University of Milan, on behalf of POLIMI and Emitech: “La disinfestazione antitarlo a microonde per la cura e la conservazione del legno”
• 10 -13 April 2007, Bordeaux, France – EBEA 2007
8th International Congress of the European BioElectromagnetics Association
“Microwave exposure of colour pigments”
1Scientific Research Laboratories, Vatican Museum, Vatican City, grs.musei@scv.va
2University of Salerno, Department of Electrical and Information Engineering,
Via Ponte Don Melillo 1, 84084 Fisciano (SA), Italy, bbisceglia@unisa.it
3Università Politecnica delle Marche, Dipartimento di Elettromagnetismo e Bioingegneria,
Via Brecce Bianche 12, 60131 Ancona, Italy, r.deleo@univpm.it
4Emitech srl, Via Olivetti – zona ASI, 70056 Molfetta (BA), Italy, diaferia.n@emitech.it
5University of Tuscia, Viterbo , Italy, santamaria@unitus.it
• 27-30 September 2006, Torino – 59th FEFPEB CONGRESS. Presentation title “Tecnologia a microonde: sviluppi tecnici e applicazioni pratiche”
• 4-8 September 2006 – EMC 2006, Barcellona, Spain
“Selective shielding of rfid systems in presence of very high electromagnetic field levels”
R. De Leo 1, N. Diaferia 2, V. Mariani Primiani 1, F. Moglie 1, G. Nitrati 1
1 Università Politecnica delle Marche – dipartimento di Elettromagnetismo e Bioingegneria
Via Brecce Bianche – 60131 Ancona – Italy
2 Emitech srl – Viale delle Palme – 70033 Corato – BA – Italy .
• 10-15 July 2006 – Workshop: “In situ evaluation of historic wood and masonry structures“, Prague – organized by the International Commission RILEM TC AST at the Institute of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics of the Czech Academy of Sciences (UTAM) – Prof. Augelli Francesco of the Politechnic University of Milan, on behalf of POLIMI and Emitech illustrates the presentation entitled “Non invasive technique for disinfestation Mi.Sy.A. Experimentation on painting and varnishing samples and verification”
• 11-15 June 2006, Cancun, Mexico – BEMS 2006
“MW phitosanitary applications: wood packaging treatment”
Bruno Bisceglia 1, Roberto De Leo 2, Nicola Diaferia 3
1 University of Salerno, Department
of Electrical and Information Engineering, Fisciano (SA), Italy.
2 Universit Politecnica delle Marche, Ancona, Italy.
3 Emitech, Corato (BA), Italy.
• 24 – 26 May 2006 – MISA 2006 – Palermo, Presentation Title:
“Innovative technology for the artistic and cultural heritage”
N. Diaferia, A. Diaferia, V. Rosito, F. D’Imperio – Emitech s.r.l.
• 28 April 2006 – Intervention of Prof. Arch. Augelli Francesco entitled “Discorso sul patrimonio ligneo di Rutigliano” at the mother Church of Rutigliano (BA), S. Maria della Colonna, Sponsor: EMITECH s.r.l.
• 27-28 March 2006 – XII Giornata di Studio sull’Ingegneria delle Microonde – Le microonde per la “qualità della vita” – Università di Roma Tor Vergata – Presentation title “Disinfestazione a microonde di beni artistici e culturali”
• 2 – 4 December 2005, Venice – “RESTAURA – IX Salone dei Beni e delle Attività Culturali” Convention: advanced technologies for the Cultural Heritage Conservation “Progetto Mi.Sy.A.: azione delle microonde su insetti dannosi per i supporti di carta.”
• 29 November – III IFQRG Meeting, Rome, FAO Headquarters “Intervento dal titolo “Mi.Sy.A. for Wood and Packaging”
• 12-14 October 2005, Dubrovnik, Croatia – 18th “International Conference on Applied Electromagnetics and Comunication”
Presentation title: “RF energie and environment protection. Disinfestation of ancient walls”
• 12-15 September 2005, Modena – AMPERE – Association for Microwave Power in Europe for Research and Education “10th International Conference on Microwave and High Frequency Heating” ,
– “Microwave Treatment of Art and Antique Works”
– “Absorbed power in reverberation chambers using the FDTD analysis of a plane waves superposition”
– “An innovative microwaves system for wood art object disinfestations”
– “Action of microwaves on noxious insects to paper supports”
• 19-25 June 2005, Dublin – BIOELECTROMAGNETICS 2005 – Convention at the University of Dublin. Presentation title : “An innovative microwave system for wood art object disinfestations. Experimental results”;
• 30 May -1 June 2005, Trani – “FOTONICA 2005 – 9° Convegno Nazionale sulle tecniche Fotoniche nelle Telecomunicazioni”; Emitech was sponsor.
• “Salone dell’Arte del Restauro e della Conservazione dei Beni Culturali e Ambientali”, Ferrara 7-10 April 2005. Art Restoration and Cultural Heritage Conservation Exhibition. Presentation title “MISYA – Tecnologie innovative per la disinfestazione”;
• 11 June 2004, Bari – “L’imballaggio nel commercio internazionale” Congress on wood packaging materials and new phytosanitary standards – Associazione Industriali Bari.
• MRI Journal Home – March 2004 – Materials Research Innovative Article: “Mode-Stirred Chamber for cereal disinfestations”.
• 13-16 October 2003, Honolulu, Hawaii, USA – PIERS 2003: Progress in Electromagnetics Research Symposium, “Design of GTEM cells for Vitro Biological Experiments”
• 15-17 October 2003, Capri – “Patogeni, fitofagi e piante infestanti delle colture agrarie:le prospettive senza il bromuro di metile”, Convention organized by the University of Naples. Presentation title “Progetto MISYA: Risultati preliminari dell’uso delle microonde nella disinfestazione e sanificazione di derrate alimentari e legno da imballaggio per il commercio internazionale”.
• January 2003, Ancona – “Il patrimonio culturale – Il ruolo della ricerca nella tutela e valorizzazione dei beni culturali”, convention organized by the University of Ancona. Presentation title: ” Progetto MISYA: Risultati preliminari dell’uso delle microonde nella bonifica delle opere d’arte dagli infestanti biologici”.
• 4-8 December 2002, Barletta – “La Gestione del Patrimonio Culturale”, VI International Meeting on the Cultural Heritage management. Presentation title “ Tecnologia per la disinfestazione dei beni artistici”;
• November 2002 “MISA 2002 – Microonde nell’Ingegneria e nelle Scienze Applicate”, 1st National Convention on the application of MW in Science and Engineering, organized by the University of Salerno. Presentation title: Risultati preliminari dell’uso delle microonde nella bonifica delle opere d’arte dagli infestanti biologici”.
• 8-10 October 2002, Firenze, Fortezza da Basso – “MUSEUM. Lo Stato dell’Arte” Exhibition on the State of the Art. Presentation title “MISYA – Tecnologie innovative per la disinfestazione”;
• 13 – 16 June 2002, Catania – 1° Salone Mediterraneo del Restauro e della Conservazione dei Beni Culturali e Ambientali, Mediterranean Exhibition for the Art Restoration and Cultural Heritage Conservation. Presentation title: “MISYA – Tecnologie innovative per la disinfestazione”;
• 4-7 April 2002, Ferrara – IX edizione del Salone dell’Arte del Restauro e della Conservazione dei Beni Culturali e Ambientali, Art Restoration and Cultural Heritage Conservation Exhibition. Presentation title: “MISYA – Tecnologie innovative per la disinfestazione”;
• 25-28 March 2002, Melbourne, Australia – IATICE – Italian Australian Technological Innovations Conference and Exhibition.
• 15-16 November 2001, Bucarest, Romania – “Conferenza Nazionale della Conservazione”, National Conference on the Art Conservation. Presentation title “Technology for works of art”.
EMitech is co-author of the book “IL RISCALDAMENTO A MICROONDE – Principi ed applicazioni” – PITAGORA EDITRICE, BOLOGNA – 2008 (Pag. 297-327; 351-399).