For protection of industrial exploitation rights of EMitech’s inventions, huge financial resources are invested for registration of patents and marks. Today EMitech srl owns the following intellectual property rights:

•    Italian patent for industrial invention No. 01282818 released on 31st March 1998.
Title: “Dispositivo emettitore di fasci di radio-onde in ambiente schermato, per la disinfestazione da parassiti, da legno, stoffe e altri materiali non metallici” – Device emitting radio-wave beams in shielded environment for pest control of wood, cloth and other nonmetallic materials
•    Application for Utility Model in Italy, registered on 30th September 1999 No. MI99U000599
Title: “Sistema di mascheramento di stazioni radio base per telefonia cellulare” – Masking of radio base stations for mobile telephony
•    Application for Utility Model in Italy, registered on 27th September 2001 No. MI2001U000529
Title: “Dispositivo per inibire il funzionamento di apparecchiature riceventi, trasmittenti e/o ricetrasmittenti di tipo portatile” – Device for inhibiting the functioning of portable receiver, transmitter and/or receiver-transmitter systems
•    Italian patent No. 1.324.047 released on 28th October 2004 (application registered on 23rd January 2001 No. MI2001A000120)
Title: “Sistema a microonde per la bonifica da infestanti biologici” – Microwave system for pest control
•    European patent No. EPO 1600172 of 6th May 2005
Title:  “Device and method for disinfesting and drying wooden packaging material”
•    Application for European patent registered on 18th April 2003 – No. 03425243.7
Title:  “Device and method for disinfestation and improvement of preservability of foodstuffs of vegetable origin”
•    Italian patent No. 0001371880 released on 15th April 2010 (application registered on 22 December 2006 No. BA000069)
Title: “Dispositivo e metodo per la disinfestazione delle strutture inamovibili” – Device and method for pest-control in fixed structures
•    Italian patent No. 0001365234 released on 11th September 2009 (application registered on 10th March 2005 No. MI2005A000380)
Title: “Sistema a microonde per il trattamento di rifiuti speciali ospedalieri” – Microwave system for the treatment of hospital waste
•    Application for Italian patent registered on 21st October 2009 – No. MI2009A001823
Title: “Impianto di disinfestazione di matrici alimentari” – Equipment for disinfestations of food
•    Application for Utility Model in Italy, registered on 2nd August 2007 – No. BA2007U000053
Title: “Dispositivo per la disinfestazione del terreno di coltura dagli infestanti biologici” –  System for biological disinfestations of cultivation soil
•    Application for Italian patent registered on 4th November 2011 No. BA2011A000063
Title: “Metodo per la produzione di olio da semi oleaginosi” – Method for oil production from oil seeds.

EMitech’s registered trademarks are:


registered on 22nd September 2004 – No. BA2004C000500


registered on 26th January 2005 – No. BA05C000023


registered on 9th September 2010 – No. BA2010C000678