After an initial gap, characterized by the absence of National laws relative to assessment procedures and to the limitation of exposure of the general public to electromagnetic, magnetic and electric fields, Italy adopted finally in the 90s a legal framework suitable for regulating the matter.
A list of the main international, national and regional rules to be taken as reference follows:
• CEI ENV 50166-2 – May 1995
Standard of the Italian Electro-technical Committee. Human exposure to electromagnetic fields. High Frequency (10 kHz – 300 GHz)
• DM 381/98 – September 1998
Italian decree on determination of radiofrequency thresholds compatible with human health
• 1999/519/EC – July 1999
European Council Recommendation relative on the limitation of exposure of the general public to electromagnetic fields (0 Hz to 300 GHz)
• CEI 211-7 – January 2001
Standard of the Italian Electro-technical Committee. Guide for measurement and assessment of electric and magnetic fields in the frequency range 10 kHz – 300 GHz, referring to human exposure
• Legge Quadro n. 36 – February 2001
Italian framework laws on protection against electric, magnetic and electromagnetic exposure.
• Apulian Region Law no. 5 – March 2002
Transitory rules for safeguard against electromagnetic pollution generated by Telecommunication and radio-television systems operating in the frequency range 0 Hz – 300 GHz.
• DPCM 8 Luglio 2003 of July 2003
Establishment of exposure limits, attenuation levels and quality objectives for the general public protection against exposure to electric, magnetic and electromagnetic fields generated at the frequency range 100 kHz -300 GHz.
• Regional guideline no. 14 – September 2006
Guidelines for application of the Apulian Region Law of 8 March 2002, no. 5 (Transitory rules for safeguard against electromagnetic pollution generated by Telecommunication and radio-television systems operating in the frequency range 0 Hz – 300 GHz).
• D. Lgs. 81/08 – April 2008
Italian decree on safety and health in the workplace. Title VIII – Physical agents – Paragraph IV: Workers protection against electromagnetic irradiation exposure risks.